PKS Cargo

Exportation procedure – EXPORT


Export customs declaration applies to goods exported to third-countries, which are countries outside the European Union. The procedure does not require permits or payment of duties.
Required documents:
• invoice,
• permits, authorisations or other documents as required in relation to the specifications of exported goods,
• specifications of goods or a loading list if an invoice does not fulfil that function,
• other documents if required by separate regulations.

PKS International CARGO S.A. customs agencies providing these services are located in:
Bezledy, Biała Podlaska, Białystok , Chyżne, Cieszyn, Dorohusk, Gdynia, Hrebenne, Hrubieszów, Konin, Korczowa, Koroszczyn, Kuźnica, Małaszewicze, Medyka, Opole, Przemyśl, Siemianówka, Suwałki, Żarska Wieś.