PKS Cargo

Warehousing and logistics

We possess varied warehouse facilities together with full technological infrastructure. Our clients are provided with customs warehouses and other storage spaces recognised by customs administration, in which they can store EU and non-EU goods.

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Customs warehousing

Customs warehousing operations can constitute a crucial link in a chain of supplies, allowing effective management over the imported goods through their staggered marketing.


Proper infrastructure, security of stored goods and appropriate certification by the customs office are the key requirements to fulfil by a temporary storage warehouse.


We offer infrastructure suited for transshipment of various goods in places of intersection of broad gauge railways with standard gauge railways, including unit goods and bulk goods.

Customs warehouses

Customs warehouses are a type of storage which is under customs supervision. Customs warehouses are intended for storing non-EU goods without the requirement of paying duty and tax obligations before the goods are admitted to marketing. The procedure of using a customs warehouse is useful in situations where non-EU goods require adjustment to the Community’s requirements e.g. applying a CE marking, translated labels or other activities done to meet legal requirements. The advantage of storing goods at a customs warehouse is the possibility of staggered withdrawal of goods from storage and marketing without the need to pay the full duty amount for the stored goods but only for the withdrawn quantity.

Temporary storage warehouse – Declaration for Temporary Storage (DSK)

Temporary storage warehouses in which the goods can be stored for a maximum of 90 days without paying duty and tax fees are used for a different purpose. During that period, the goods cannot be modified or gradually admitted to marketing. This solution is used in situations where it is necessary to complete documentation in a customs declaration or when additional tests are required e.g. a sanitary inspection.
The storage spaces we provide to our client meet the requirements of the customs office whereas our customs agents complete all formalities involving the Declaration for Temporary Storage.
PKS International CARGO S.A. customs agencies providing these services are located in:
Konin, Małaszewicze, Przemyśl, Sokółka

Transshipment terminals

Our clients are given access to transshipment points, warehouses and terminals located at the border with Belarus and Ukraine. They provide the possibility of transshipping cargoes from broad gauge cars to standard gauge cars and from train cars onto trucks. Terminals are equipped with complete infrastructure and technological facilities.
PKS International CARGO S.A. customs agencies providing these services are located in:
Dorohusk, Hrubieszów, Kuźnica, Małaszewicze, Siemianówka