EXPORT OF GOODS FROM POLAND (does not apply to the export of passenger cars)
Contact with the seller of PKS International Cargo S.A. - will show you a customs agency that will take care of your clearance and provide the required documents for signature by a person authorized to represent your company.
- signed authorization, - documents related to the goods being cleared (VAT invoice / bill / agreement / CMR / PACKING LIST), - select the customs office in Poland that suits you (usually along the route).STEP 3
The car with the goods can be parked at the selected customs office (during office hours), the driver informs the customs agency about the arrival.
The goods have undergone the export procedure and are ready to be exported from the country.
The customs agency performs customs clearance. During this time, the car with the goods cannot leave the office square.
The export procedure is closed at the border customs office of the European Union. The goods are leaving the country. (The driver must indicate the office where he will be leaving the EU, that is where the export procedure will end.)

Anna Stec
Client service on Polish and EU markets
+48 661 200 322

Alla Mozolewska
Client service on Belarusian and Russian markets
+48 669 200 244

Magdalena Cynka
Client service on the Ukrainian market
+48 724 667 008
The customs procedure for the export of goods, in a great simplification, is the delivery of goods sent or transported from the territory of the European Union country outside its territory to the so-called third countries, e.g. Great Britain or Ukraine. It concerns, for example, producers, exporters of goods as well as companies sending their products or their components to their branches outside the European Union.
Can the export procedure be done in any EU country?
Yes. Companies operating in the European Union can perform the export opening procedure in any EU country. It may be the country along the route of the transported goods. For example, goods exported from France to Ukraine may be subject to the export procedure in Poland. By selecting the customs office on the route („on the way”) in accordance with the route plan. Without limiting the departure time of the goods from the place of origin. It is only important that the car with the goods is parked at the selected Customs Office during its working hours. The export procedure is discharged at the border customs office at the point of crossing the EU border.
Does a customs agency have to be at the customs office to open the export procedure on behalf of the company?
Not. Any customs agency can open the export procedure from anywhere. It is only important that the car with the goods is placed at the selected customs office during check-in, thus allowing access to the goods for customs services.
Who can use the export clearance service "on the way"?
– Anyone who cares about time, because this solution is much more flexible and allows you to adjust the time of visiting the UC to the driver’s timetable.
– Companies clearing goods with a complete set of documents and certificates or goods that do not require control and participation of services (e.g. veterinary).
What to look for when choosing the Customs Office along the route?
When choosing a Customs Office, it is worth paying attention to the location, working hours and customs procedures performed in a given office.
Pros of the export clearance service "on the way"
– the possibility of choosing a customs agency from the entire range of economic entities available on the market, because all formalities with a customs agency are performed remotely.
– access to the services of a customs agency with extensive experience and a guarantee of proper customs clearance.
– selection of any Customs Office located on the route or in the vicinity of the loading of the goods.